Recent progress in carbon dioxide capture technologies: A review


  • Guanchu Lu School of Engineering,The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH8 9YL, United Kingdom
  • Zhe Wang School of Engineering,The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH8 9YL, United Kingdom
  • Umair Hassan Bhatti KAUST Catalysis Center (KCC), King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal 23955, Saudi Arabia
  • Xianfeng Fan School of Engineering,The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH8 9YL, United Kingdom
Article ID: 32



post-combustion technology; amine capture process


The continuous increase in anthropogenic CO2 emissions is widely acknowledged as one of the main reasons for global climate change. To address this issue, significant advancements have been made in developing CO2 capture and utilization technologies that offer new solutions for mitigating carbon emissions and promoting a carbon economy. In this review, we summarize the recent research progress in CO2 capture and separation technologies, including pre-combustion, post-combustion, oxy-fuel combustion, chemical looping combustion and calcium looping combustion. Among these technologies, post-combustion is seen as one of the most promising options for reducing CO2 emissions from existing power plants, as it can be easily integrated into existing facilities without requiring major modifications. Therefore, the second section of this article focuses on the various post-combustion processes and technologies, such as physical absorption, amine scrubbing, dual-alkali absorption, chilled ammonia, membrane separation, and solid adsorption, with a particular emphasis on most recent research reports. As amine-based chemical absorption is the most leading post-combustion CO2 capture technique, the third section summarizes the recent development in amine-based absorption technology by covering conventional and emerging types of absorbents such as single amine, blended amine, biphasic amine, and non-aqueous amine processes. The different liquid absorption-based process is compared in terms of regeneration energy consumption, CO2 intake capacity, and optimal operating conditions, and the comparison data is summarized in tables. A critical literature review and comparison of various techniques show that non-aqueous amine absorbents can be promising alternatives to the conventional monoethanolamine (MEA) process. The goal of this review is to provide strategies and perspectives for accelerating the further study and development of CCS technologies.


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Pathways of current technologies of CO2 production, capture and separation




How to Cite

Lu, G., Wang, Z., Bhatti, U. H., & Fan, X. (2023). Recent progress in carbon dioxide capture technologies: A review. Clean Energy Science and Technology, 1(1), 32.


