Optimal design of stand-alone photovoltaic system based on battery storage system: A case study of Borj Cedria in Tunisia


  • Safa Slouma Thermal and Energy Systems Studies Laboratory (LESTE), LR99ES31, National Engineering School of Monastir (ENIM), Monastir University, Monastir 5000, Tunisia; National Institute of Applied Science and Technology (INSAT), University of Carthage, Tunis 1080, Tunisia
  • Wael Boulaares Thermal and Energy Systems Studies Laboratory (LESTE), LR99ES31, National Engineering School of Monastir (ENIM), Monastir University, Monastir 5000, Tunisia; General Directorate of Technological Studies (DGET), sise à l'ISET de Radès, Radès Médina 2098, Tunisia
  • Somnath Maity Department of Electrical Engineering, Rourkela National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha 769008, India
  • Abdelmajid Jemni Thermal and Energy Systems Studies Laboratory (LESTE), LR99ES31, National Engineering School of Monastir (ENIM), Monastir University, Monastir 5000, Tunisia
  • Souheil El Alimi Thermal and Energy Systems Studies Laboratory (LESTE), LR99ES31, National Engineering School of Monastir (ENIM), Monastir University, Monastir 5000, Tunisia
Ariticle ID: 28
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PV; system’s site; optimum tilt angle; SAPS; PV-GIS site; PVsyst software; technical performance; experimental setup


This work dealt with the optimal design of a stand-alone photovoltaic system (SAPS) based on the battery storage system and assessed its technical performance by using a PVsyst simulation. Specifically, this study was carried out to determine the optimal orientation and tilt angle of a solar panel for collecting maximum solar radiation. Borj Cedria, Tunisia, was taken as a case study site to investigate the optimum tilt angle using PVsyst and to estimate the global solar irradiance using the PV-GIS. The proposed system produced 1314 kWh of energy for the load, which is considered technically suitable for this area, thanks to the system’s performance ratio of 58.3% and high specific efficiency generation, as well as a solar fraction of about 92.5%. From an economic point of view, the SAPS can save more than TND44,000 (12,991 Euros) per year from the purchase of the grid system’s energy, and from the aspect of sustainability, 66.24 kg of CO2 emissions annually can be avoided by utilizing the sun’s energy. Furthermore, an efficient solar panel use requires its characteristics to be identified under various conditions. An original experimental setup was carried out in a photovoltaic laboratory to identify the photovoltaic characteristics of the SAPS. Experimental and simulation results performed using PSIM software were in good agreement, which showed the experimental setup’s effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Slouma, S., Boulaares, W., Maity, S., Jemni, A., & Alimi, S. E. (2023). Optimal design of stand-alone photovoltaic system based on battery storage system: A case study of Borj Cedria in Tunisia. Clean Energy Science and Technology, 1(1), 28. https://doi.org/10.18686/cest.v1i1.28


