Research progress of low-temperature plasma polishing technology in chip material processing
low-temperature plasma polishing; plasma-assisted polishing (PAP); plasma electrolytic processing-mechanical polishing (PEP-MP); plasma chemical vaporization machining (PCVM); plasma assisted selective etching (PASE)Abstract
Low-temperature plasma polishing technology, by virtue of the plasma’s highly ionized characteristics, can accurately remove tiny defects and impurities on the surface of chip materials, improve the flatness and finish of chip materials, reduce mechanical damage and subsurface damage, and has a high material removal rate. This paper reviews the application status, advantages and limitations of plasma polishing technologies in the field of chip material processing. The principles and applications of plasma-assisted polishing, plasma chemical vaporization machining, plasma electrolytic processing-mechanical polishing and plasma assisted selective etching are specifically discussed, and their advantages and limitations are analyzed. Finally, the development of plasma chip-polishing technology is prospected, aiming to provide a useful reference for the continuous improvement of chip manufacturing processes and the future development of the microelectronics industry.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Hui Yan, Shuang Xue, Peiwen Guo, Jiale He, Guangning Wang, Yinlong Zeng, Longfei Qie, Ruixue Wang

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