Assessing the effectiveness of bioclimatic strategies in improving thermal comfort and reducing energy consumption in a house located in a desert climate


  • Maamar Hamdani Unité de Recherche Appliquée en Energies Renouvelables (URAER, or Applied Research Unit in Renewable Energies), Centre de Développement des Energies Renouvelables (CDER, or Renewable Energy Development Center), 47133 Ghardaïa, Algeria
  • Mohamed Kamal Cherier Unité de Recherche Appliquée en Energies Renouvelables (URAER, or Applied Research Unit in Renewable Energies), Centre de Développement des Energies Renouvelables (CDER, or Renewable Energy Development Center), 47133 Ghardaïa, Algeria
  • Guermoui Mawloud Unité de Recherche Appliquée en Energies Renouvelables (URAER, or Applied Research Unit in Renewable Energies), Centre de Développement des Energies Renouvelables (CDER, or Renewable Energy Development Center), 47133 Ghardaïa, Algeria
  • Sidi Mohammed El Amine Bekkouche Unité de Recherche Appliquée en Energies Renouvelables (URAER, or Applied Research Unit in Renewable Energies), Centre de Développement des Energies Renouvelables (CDER, or Renewable Energy Development Center), 47133 Ghardaïa, Algeria
  • Belaid Abdelfetah Unité de Recherche Appliquée en Energies Renouvelables (URAER, or Applied Research Unit in Renewable Energies), Centre de Développement des Energies Renouvelables (CDER, or Renewable Energy Development Center), 47133 Ghardaïa, Algeria
  • Zaiani Mohamed Unité de Recherche Appliquée en Energies Renouvelables (URAER, or Applied Research Unit in Renewable Energies), Centre de Développement des Energies Renouvelables (CDER, or Renewable Energy Development Center), 47133 Ghardaïa, Algeria
  • Rachid Djeffal Unité de Recherche Appliquée en Energies Renouvelables (URAER, or Applied Research Unit in Renewable Energies), Centre de Développement des Energies Renouvelables (CDER, or Renewable Energy Development Center), 47133 Ghardaïa, Algeria
  • Saleh Al-Saadi Sustainable Energy Research Center (SERC), Sultan Qaboos University, 123 Alkhoud, Muscat, Oman; Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University, 123 Alkhoud, Muscat, Oman
  • Ehsan Kamel Department of Energy Management, New York Institute of Technology, New York 11568, United States
Article ID: 177



bioclimatic strategies; thermal comfort; energy consumption; desert climate; thermal insulation; phase-change materials; natural ventilation; energy bills


This article examined the effectiveness of bioclimatic strategies to enhance thermal comfort and decrease energy consumption in a desert-climate residence. The study assessed the impact of thermal insulation, natural ventilation, and phase-change materials (PCMs) over a year, with each strategy evaluated both independently and in combination. Monthly energy bills were analyzed to determine the impact of these strategies. The results indicated substantial reductions in energy costs, with decreases of up to 50% during transitional seasons; however, the complete elimination of heating and cooling systems was not feasible due to significant thermal phase differences between indoor and outdoor environments. Further analysis of thermal discomfort hours revealed that increasing insulation thickness during specific seasons could mitigate peak heat intensity and delay its occurrence, thus extending periods of comfort and reducing discomfort hours. Despite these improvements, some periods of thermal distress persisted during the warmest months, underscoring the necessity for a balanced approach to climate adaptation strategies. Overall, the implementation of these strategies proved effective in improving comfort and reducing energy usage in desert-climate homes, although they do not fully negate the need for traditional heating and cooling systems.


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How to Cite

Hamdani, M., Cherier, M. K., Mawloud, G., Bekkouche, S. M. E. A., Abdelfetah, B., Mohamed, Z., Djeffal, R., Al-Saadi, S., & Kamel , E. (2024). Assessing the effectiveness of bioclimatic strategies in improving thermal comfort and reducing energy consumption in a house located in a desert climate. Clean Energy Science and Technology, 2(3), 177.


