Welcome Prof. Xianfeng Fan as Editor-in-Chief of Clean Energy Science and Technology



School of Engineering
The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry

Head of Institute for Materials and Processes

Deputy Director of Chemical Engineering

Former Director of Chemical Engineering

Chair of Particulate Materials Processing

Editor-in-chief, Journal of Modern Green Energy

Associated Editor of Frontiers in Chemical Engineering

External Examiner of School of Engineering at the University of Wolverhampton

The official web page: https://www.eng.ed.ac.uk/research/institutes/imp/staff-and-students


08/2019 - present:Head of Institute for Materials and Processes, School of Engineering, The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (The institute is formed by the chemical engineering discipline and the mechanical engineering discipline, and has about 150 academics and researchers.)

08/2017 – present:Former Director, current deputy Director of Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

10/ 2009 - present:Professor, Institute for Materials and Processes, School of Engineering, The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

4/2009 – 9/2009:Senior Lecturer in Petroleum Engineering, Department of Science and the Built Environment, London South Bank University

6/1999 – 3/2009:Research Fellow, School of Physics and Astronomy University of Birmingham, UK


  • PhD in Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham.
  • Master in Engineering (Minerals and Metallurgy), Beijing General Research Institute of Mining & Metallurgy, China.
  • Bachelor in Chemical Engineering, first class and captain, Jiangxi University of Science & Technology, China.


Prof. Xianfeng Fan has been nominated for EUSA Teaching Award as an excellent teacher annually since 2011.

Courses that I teach and the distinctive or innovative approaches

From 2010 to present, Prof. Xianfeng Fan act as the course organiser for 4 core chemical engineering courses, and teach 2 additional courses.

Courses I taught before joining Edinburgh University

“Colloid and Interfacial Chemistry”, “Fluidization Engineering”, “Surfactants”, “Froth Flotation”


15 PhD students have graduated under his supervision as their first supervisor. Currently, Prof. Xianfeng Fan have 6 PhD students as their first supervisor and 12 PhD students as the second supervisor.

Prof. Xianfeng Fan supervised 7 PDRAs. 5 of them have taken associated Professor and Assistant Professor positions at universities or a senior position in industries.

Prof. Xianfeng Fan hosted 9 visiting professors.


His research activities mainly focus on the development of processes and catalysts related to clean energy, CO2 capture and storage, energy storage, reaction engineering, and photocatalysis for biomass conversion and for destruction and conversion of greenhouse gases. Prof. Xianfeng Fan also work on materials separation and water treatment, particle technology, multiphase flow at pore scale study for the applications in pharmaceutical and enhanced oil recovery.

(i) CO2 capture, gas separation

(ii) Development of visible light sensitive photocatalysts

(iii) Energy storage

(iv) Materials separation and water treatment

(v)  Particulate materials processing for secondary pharmaceutical production

(vi) Multiphase flow in porous materials


Membership of Societies

  • Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
  • Member of the EPSRC Peer Review College
  • Member of the Scientific Council of the UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre
  • Invited member of the World Society of Sustainable Energy Technologies
  • Invited member of the World Science and Engineering Academy and Society

Selection of Invited technical committee member

  • The 8th European Meeting on Chemical Industry and Environment (EMChIE2022).
  • Global Congress and Expo on Physical, Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry in Vancouver, Canada, April 23-24, 2020
  • International Conference and Exhibition on Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Technologies to be held in Miami, USA, August, 20-21, 2020
  • Organization of International Webinar on Social Cost Benefit Analysis of Projects, Dibrugarh University, India, 27 July -1st August, 2020
  • Co-conference chair, UK-China International Particle Technology forum, Edinburgh, UK, July, 2019
  • The Asian Advanced Materials Congress – July, 2017, Singapore
  • UK-China International Particle Technology Forum VI, China , Yangzhou, September 8-10, 2017
  • The International Conference on Chemical and Biological Sciences.
  • The International Scientific Committee of SCinTE 2015, 5-7 November, 2015, Athens, Greece
  • International Conference on Applied Energy, July, 2013, Pretoria, South Africa
  • International Conference, Powder, Granule and Bulk Solids Innovations and Applications, November 2013, India
  • The Fourth Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium, University of Birmingham, UK, August 2012

Knowledge Exchange

  • In 2014, I was invited as a consultant by Whittaker Engineering - Offshore & Marine Engineering, to solve problems in the fluidization system for their energy storage system.
  • From 2000 to 2009:

            (1) I worked with Unilever on the control of ice crystals in ice cream (publication 96), and on using                     PEPT to monitor the fluid behaviour in washing machine.

            (2) I worked with researchers from P&G on using PEPT to investigate the mixing behaviour of                             detergent powders.

            (3) I worked with researchers from GSK to use PEPT to study the granulation of pharmaceutical                         powder in a high shear mixers.

            (4) I provided technical support to the University of Cape Town to build a new PEPT centre.

  • From 1993 to 1996, I transferred the processes that I developed to Yongping Copper Mine and Dexing Copper Mine to increase the recovery of Cu, Au, Mo. These work brought over £2 M profit annually to the industries, therefore I received 3 awards from Chinese central government due to the significant contributions made to science and technology development.

Editor-in-chief, Journal of Modern Green Energy

Associated Editor of Frontiers in Chemical Engineering

Editor or Editorial Board Member

  • Industrial Chemistry & Materials (ICM)
  • Frontiers in Chemical Engineering
  • Frontiers in Energy
  • The Open Chemical Engineering Journal
  • Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2013-2015)
  • Journal Modern Chemical Sciences
  • International Journal of Innovative Studies in Sciences and Engineering Technology (IJISSET)
  • African Journal of Chemistry
  • Open Journal of Chemistry
  • Journal of Modern Chemical Sciences
  • Contemporary Chemistry
  • International Journal of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry

Prof. Xianfeng Fan have also been invited to be guest editor, and the editorial board for the following journals.

  • International Journal of Polymer Science
  • Materials Sciences Express
  • Chemistry & Materials Science
  • Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering
  • European Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology
  • Journal of Chemistry
  • Chemistry & Materials Science

Panel Member or Peer Reviewer of Research Proposals for EPSRC, EU, USA and Canada

Peer Reviewer for more than 60 international journals


International Collaborations

  • Collaboration with Professor Subrata Borgohain Gogoi at Department of Petroleum Technology, Dibrugarh University, India
  • Collaboration with Professor Raf Dewil, KU Leuven, Belgium
  • Collaboration with Dr Sarah Farrukh and Professor Arshad Hussain in National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan
  • Collaboration with Professor Dehua He at Tsinghua University, China
  • Research collaboration with North China Electric Power University on EP/I010939/1, and is invited as a member for “China to Undergo Brain Gain Through Plan 111”
  • Research collaboration with Beihang University, and is invited as a member for “China to Undergo Brain Gain Through Plan 111”
  • Research collaboration with Professor Minghou Xu in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, supported by The Royal Society of Edinburgh, a 2-year program
  • Research collaboration with Dr Yoshitoshi Saito on powder granulation, Nippon Steel Corporation, Japan. (publication list 137, 145, 146, 147, 149)
  • Research collaboration with Dr Kristian Edmund Waters on Froth Flotation, McGill University, Canada, (publication list 123, 128, 134)
  • Research collaboration with Prof Indresan Govender on PEPT, University of Cape Town, South Africa. (publication list 143, 160)
  • Research collaboration with Prof. Jan Baeyens, Belgium on fluidization. (publication list 121, 130, 133, 135, )

Items of Esteem at Symposia and Congresses  

Selection of Plenary, Keynotes and Session chair:

  1. Scientific committee member, the 8th European Meeting on Chemical Industry and Environment (EMChIE2022) will take place in Leuven (Belgium) from May 29 till June 1, 2022.
  2. Invited speaker and advisory/organizing committee, AAAFM-UCLA,2021, Advances in Functional Material University of California, August18-20, 2021, Los Angeles, USA
  3. Plenary Speaker, Global Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films August 03-04, 2020, San Antonio, USA
  4. Plenary Speaker, Microfluidics 2020, the 4th International Microfluidics Congress, March 25- 26, 2020, Miami, USA.
  5. Plenary Speaker, World Summit on Materials Science and Nanotechnology (Materials Science 2020), Madrid, Spai, March 26-27, 2020
  6. . Plenary Lecture, International conference on membrane science and Technology, ICM-2020, July 20-22, 2020, Pakistan
  7. Plenary speakers, the 6th International Conference on Chemical and Polymer Engineering (ICCPE’20), August 16-18, 2020 in Prague, Czech Republic
  8. Organizing Committee Member, Global Congress and Expo on Physical, Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry in Vancouver, Canada during April 23-24, 2020
  9. Plenary peaker in Pakistan Congress on Membrane and Membrane Processes (PCOM), March 26, 2020;
  10. Global Congress and Expo on Physical, Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry in Vancouver, Canada during April 23-24, 2020;
  11. Organizer of International Webinar on Social Cost Benefit Analysis of Projects, 27 July -1st August, Dibrugarh University, India
  12. Plenary speaker, “Global Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films” as a Plenary Speaker. The conference will be held from August 03-04, 2020 in San Antonio, USA
  13. SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE, 27th CSCST SCI Annual Conference: Sustainable Energy and Manufacturing the Future, 11 September - 12 September 2020, online webinar
  14. Organizing Committee Member, International Conference and Exhibition on Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Technologies to be held in Miami, USA from August, 20-21, 2020
  15. Plenary Speaker at World Summit on Materials Science and Nanotechnology (Materials Science 2020) held at Madrid, Spain on March 26-27, 2020.
  16. Invited speaker, “9th Global Nanotechnology Congress and Expo” (Nanotech-2020)
  17. Keynote,13th -14th of April 2020 in Miami, USA.
  18. Plenary speaker, 37th Edition of International Conference and Expo on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, at Dubai, UAE during June 19-20, 2019
  19. Keynotes, Nano Petro Science and Technology International Conference and 5th International Symposium on Application of Nano Geosciences in Petroleum Engineering, Beijing, Dec. 16-17, 2019
  20. Keynote, International Conference on Functional Materials and Applied Technologies, 6th International Conference on Advanced in Biology and Chemistry. Nannjing, Oct 28-29, 2019
  21. Keynotes, Global Conference on Catalysis & Chemical Engineering & Technology” on May 13-14, 2019 in Rome, Italy
  22. Session chair, Granulation Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, 26th - 28th June 2019
  23. Session chair, Session chair, International Congress on Advanced Materials Sciences and Engineering, Osaka, Japan, July 2019
  24. Conference Co-chair, UK-China International Particle Technology forum, July, 2019, Edinburgh, UK
  25. Keynote, The 4th International Conference on Combustion Science and Processes, APRIL 10 - 12, 2019 | ROME, ITALY
  26. Session chair, Granulation Conference, 8th International Granulation Workshop, June 28-30, 2017, in Sheffield, UK, sheffield.ac.uk/agglom/2017
  27. Session chairs and track Chair, the 9th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2017), August 21-24, 2017, in Cardiff, UK.
  28. Organize a panel on CCS for ICAE2017, UK, Invited by Editorial Office of Applied Energy
  29. Keynote, The 8th International Symposium on Super-Critical Water-cooled Reactors (ISSCWR-8), Chengdu, China, 13-15 March, 2017
  30. Plenary lecture and session chair, the 3rd ASEAN-Pakistan Conference on Materials Science, November 25-27, 2014, Islamabad, Pakistan
  31. Keynote lecture, Reinterpretation of Fluidization, International Conference, Powder, Granule and Bulk Solids Innovations and Applications, November 28-30, 2013, Thapar University, Patiala, India, pgbsia2013.com; http://forum.bulk-online.com/printthread.php?t=25116&pp=40
  32. Invited speaker and session chair, Difference between pore wetting and wettability measured on flat surfaces, the 3rd International Symposium on Energy Challenges and Mechanics, 7th-9th July 2015 Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
  33. Plenary lecture, “CO2Capture and Enhanced Oil Recovery at the University of Edinburgh”, International Forum on “The Development Opportunity and Strategies of Petroleum and Petrochemical Industry in the Economy of Low-Carbon”, Liaoning, China, September 25, 2010, http://www.lnpu.edu.cn/content.jsp?urltype=news.NewsContentUrl&wbtreeid=12721&wbnewsid=161678
  34. Invited lecture, Difference in Pore Wetting and the Wetting Measured on a Flat Surface and in an Open Space, The Eighth International Conference on Materials Technologies and Modeling (MMT-2014), Israel, July 28 - August 01, 2014, http://www.ariel.ac.il/sites/conf/mmt/mmt-2014/mmt-2014.htm
  35. Invited speaker and session chair, ICAE2014: 6th International Conference on Applied Energy, 30 May – 2 June 2014, Taipei, Taiwan, http://applied-energy.org/CMS/uploadfile/2014/0524/ICAE2014-Program.pdf
  36. Invited speaker and session chair, ICAE2013: International Conference on Applied Energy, July 1-4, 2013, Pretoria, South Africa, invited by editorial office of “Applied Energy”, applied-energy.org
  37. Invited speaker and session chair, Renewable Energy Technologies, the 9th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, organised by the University of Nottingham and Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, August 24-27, 2010

Selection of Invited talk in international conferences

  1. Invited talk and scientific committee member, UK-China International Particle Technology Forum VI 2017, September 8-10, 2017, Yangzhou, China
  2. Invited talk and committee member, Asian Advanced Materials Congress, 11 - 16 March 2017, SINGAPORE
  3. Invited speaker, International Conference on Catalysis and Chemical Engineering, Baltimore, USA, February 22-24, 2017
  4. Invited speaker in UKCCSRC annual meeting, 14-15, September 2016, Edinburgh
  5. Invited talk and the member of the International Scientific Committee of SCinTE 2015, 5-7 November, 2015, Athens, Greece, http://www.scinte.gr/committees.php
  6. Invited talk, the 3rd International Meeting of Specialists on Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics at Supercritical Pressure (HFSCP2016), University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, 25 & 26 August 2016,


  1. Invited talk, IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition, 16-21 September 2012, Busan, Korea
  2. Invited speaker, EMN Meeting on Active Matter, Las Vegas, NV USA, October 10 to 14 2016, http://emnmeeting.org/Vegas/active-matter/photocatalysis-materials/
  3. Invited speaker, 2nd World Congress on Biopolymers, August 04-05, 2016, Manchester, UK
  4. Invited speaker, The proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Energy and Development, Environment and Biomedicine (EDEB '16), in Mallorca Island, Spain, August 19-21, 2016
  5. Invited speaker, 5th International Conference on Petroleum Geology, Dubai, UAE during Nov 24-25, 2016.
  6. The GCCAE 2016, August 12-14, 2016, Guangzhou, China.
  7. Invited speaker, Joint IFPRI Robert Pfeffer symposium & UK Particle Technology Forum, 14-15th June 2016, The University of Surrey
  8. Invited speaker, 5th World Congress on Materials Science & Engineering (Materials Congress-2016), June 13-15, 2016, Alicante, Spain.
  9. Invited speaker, WSEAS Conference in Venice, Italy, January 29-31, 2016
  10. Invited speaker, Control of WO3Morphology and Its Effect on Photo-efficiency, Crossroads of Particle Science and Technology, 12-15 July 2015, Leeds
  11. Invited speaker, the International Conference and Expo on Separation Techniques, August 10-12, 2015, San Francisco, USA
  12. Invited speaker, Separation of Cu radioisotopes from a nickel target using cation-exchange chromatography, International Conference on Medical Physics 2015. 3-5 August 2015, Birmingham,


  1. Invited speaker, Nanoparticles for stabilising suspensions and emulsions, Session 5-2: Nanoparticles, 4th Annual World Congress of Advanced Materials-2015 (WCAM-2015) May 27-29, 2015, Chongqing, China.
  2. Invited speaker, 2nd Guangdong International CCUS Conference, 15-17, May, 2014, Guangzhou, China
  3. Invited speaker, the collaborative conference on Materials Research (CCMR) 2014.

http://www.cc3dmr.org/m2014/, http://www.cc3dmr.org/m2014/committees/

  1. Member of technique committee, International Conference, Powder, Granule and Bulk Solids Innovations and Applications, November 28-30, 2013, pgbsia2013.com
  2. Invited talk, Pore Wetting and the Wettability Measured in an Open Space, Collaborative Conference on Materials Research (CCMR) June 24 - 28, 2013, South Korea, http://www.cc3dmr.org/m2013/
  3. Invited speaker, Seminar: Energy Policy and Renewables in Scotland and China, by The Royal Society of Edinburgh & National Natural Science Foundation, 22–23 November 2012, http://www.rse.org.uk/cms/files/events/programmes/2011-12/RSE%20NSFC%20Seminar%20Programme.pdf
  4. Invited speaker and one of the organisers, Frontier in Chemical Engineering: The Fourth Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium, University of Birmingham, UK, 26-28 August 2012
  5. Invited talk, “Fundamentals of Optimised Capture Using Solids”, UK-China Energy conference, organised byEPSRC, RCUK and the British Consulate-General Guangzhou, Beijing, March 8, 2011

Selection of Invited seminars at universities

  1. Invited talk at the University of Birmingham, 2022
  2. Invited talk at China Petroleum University 2019
  3. Invited talk at Nanjing University of Science and Technology, 2019
  4. Invited talk at Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2019
  5. Invited talk, China Petroleum University, Oct. 2016
  6. Invited talk on fluidization of multiphase flow, by professor Mercedes Maroto-Valer, May, 2016, Heriot-Watt University
  7. Invited talk on multiphase flow for EOR, by professor Eric Mackay, March, 2016, Heriot-Watt University
  8. Invited speaker, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, May, 2015
  9. Invited talk by professor Karen Wilson, the University of Aston, 2015
  10. Invited talk, the University of Nottingham, 2015
  11. Invited talk, School of Chemical Engineering, Tianjin University May 2014, Edinburgh
  12. Invited talk, School of Chemical Engineering, Huazhong University, China,  May 2014, Edinburgh
  13. Invited talk, School of Chemical Engineering, the University of Birmingham, August 2014
  14. Invited talk, The University of Cranfield, Oct. 2014
  15. Invited talk, the University of Limerick, Nov. 2013
  16. Invited talk by professor Paul Younger, Glasgow University, May 2013
  17. Invited lecture, “Solve Problems in Chemical Engineering Processes Based on Colloid and Interfacial Science”, North China Electric Power University, Beijing, March 7, 2011
  18. Invited talk, the University of Manchester, 2009


(i) International Technical Assessment, invited by South Africa’s National Research Foundation (NRF) to evaluate the quality of the research outputs and standing of Prof MS Onyango. May, 2010.

(ii) Awards

  • The British FoundrymenAward, by the Institute of British Foundrymen, 2009
  • 3 awards from Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, and China Nonferrous Metals Industry Corporation


His h-index is 38. i10-index is 92. He has published 5 book chapters, 136 journal articles and 83 articles in peer reviewed conferences. The total citation is 4536.