

  • 吴臣武 中国科学院力学研究所,北京100190,中国;工程科学学院,中国科学院大学,北京市100049,中国
Ariticle ID: 204
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潘威, 黄士争, 朱家威, 等. 聚合物场协同原理:揭示螺杆结构优化的内在机制,提高热管理和工艺效率. 清洁能源科学与技术. 2024; 2(2): 166. doi: 10.18686/cncest.v2i2.166

Pan W, Huang S, Zhu J, et al. Polymeric field synergy principle: Revealing the intrinsic mechanism of screw channel optimization to enhance thermal management and process efficiency (Chinese). Journal of Clean Energy Science and Technology. 2024; 2(2): 166. doi: 10.18686/cncest.v2i2.166

王义, 杨嘉雯, 夏力, 等. 基于量子化学的有机朗肯循环工质筛选策略研究. 清洁能源科学与技术. 2024; 2(2): 106. doi: 10.18686/cncest.v2i2.106

Wang Y, Yang J, Xia L, et al. Research on screening strategy of Organic Rankine Cycle working fluids based on quantum chemistry (Chinese). Journal of Clean Energy Science and Technology. 2024; 2(2): 106. doi: 10.18686/cncest.v2i2.106

路忠睿, 袁贤参, 贾骁阳, 等. 采用磷钨酸与多巴胺化学键合形成的水不溶性杂化物的高性能质子交换膜. 清洁能源科学与技术. 2024; 2(2). doi: 10.18686/cncest.v2i2.181

Lu Z, Yuan X, Jia X, et al. High-performance proton exchange membrane employing water-insoluble hybrid formed by chemically bonding phosphotungstic acid with polydopamine (Chinese). Journal of Clean Energy Science and Technology. 2024; 2(2): 181. doi: 10.18686/cncest.v2i2.181

杨月霞, 何珍红, 曹会会, 等. 碳和二氧化硅包裹的无定形CuO混合材料的电化学还原CO到液态C2+的高法拉第效率. 清洁能源科学与技术. 2024; 2(2): 178. doi: 10.18686/cncest.v2i2.178

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Marouani I. Contribution of renewable energy technologies in combating the phenomenon of global warming and GHG emissions minimization (Chinese). Journal of Clean Energy Science and Technology. 2024; 2(2): 203. doi: 10.18686/cncest.v2i2.203

张瑞珂, 周烔. 超快吸附动力学分子筛用于丙烷和丙烯分离. 清洁能源科学与技术. 2024; 2(2): 147. doi: 10.18686/cncest.v2i2.147

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李健, 张云飞, 沈俊. 关于“各国纸浆和造纸业的净零战略”的评论. 清洁能源科学与技术. 2024; 2(2). doi: 10.18686/cncest.v2i2.193

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Dai M, Sun M, Chen B, et al. Country-specific net-zero strategies of the pulp and paper industry. Nature. 2023; 626(7998): 327-334. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06962-0





吴臣武. (2024). 《清洁能源科学与技术》社论(第2卷第2期). 清洁能源科学与技术, 2(2), 204. https://doi.org/10.18686/cncest.v2i2.204

